Do You Think Law Or Computer Science is a More Difficult Subject to Study? Why?

In my personal experience, I found Computer Science to be a more difficult subject to study compared to Law. Computer Science requires more time and energy, particularly in terms of understanding complex algorithms and learning programming languages.

On the other hand, Law involves training the brain to “think like a lawyer” and requires developing the skill of identifying important issues. Ultimately, while both subjects have their challenges, Computer Science presented a steeper learning curve for me.

Difficulty Comparison Between Law And Computer Science

The difficult comparison between studying law and computer science is subjective and varies from individual to individual. Some may find computer science easier due to its intuitive nature. In contrast, others may struggle more with law as it requires training the brain to think like a lawyer and involves extensive analysis.

Ultimately, both subjects demand time and energy, but the ability to quickly discern important information in law is invaluable.

Law and computer science are both complex subjects that require dedication and intellectual rigor. However, they present different challenges to students. Let’s take a closer look at the difficulties faced by students in each field.

The Challenges Faced By Law Students:

Vast Amount of Material: Law students have to grapple with an extensive amount of legal texts, statutes, and case law. Digesting and comprehending this vast amount of material can be overwhelming.

Analytical Thinking: Law requires students to think critically and analyze complex legal issues. They need to identify and evaluate arguments, apply legal principles, and understand the implications of their decisions.

Legal Research and Citation: Law students must become proficient in conducting legal research to find relevant cases, statutes, and legal precedents. They also need to learn how to cite these sources in their legal writing properly.

Memorization: Law students are often required to memorize a large amount of legal rules, principles, and case names. This can be a significant challenge, as it requires them to retain and recall information accurately during exams and in practice.

Writing Skills: Effective legal writing is essential for law students. They must learn how to articulate arguments clearly and concisely, using proper legal terminology and structure.

The Challenges Faced By Computer Science Students:

Mathematical Foundations: Computer science involves a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Students need to grasp algorithms, data structures, and computational theory. This can be challenging for those who do not have a strong background in math.

Abstract Thinking: Computer science requires students to think abstractly and solve complex problems. They need to break down a problem into smaller components, develop algorithms, and implement efficient solutions.

Coding Skills: Computer science students must become proficient in programming languages like Java, C++, or Python. Learning coding syntax and writing efficient and bug-free code requires practice and attention to detail.

Rapid Technological Advancements: The field of computer science is constantly evolving, with new technologies emerging all the time. Students need to stay updated with the latest advancements and continuously learn new programming languages and tools.

Collaborative Projects: Computer science often involves teamwork and collaborative projects. Coordinating with team members, managing deadlines, and integrating individual contributions can be a challenge for students.

Both law and computer science have their unique difficulties. While law students face the challenge of mastering extensive legal material and developing analytical thinking, computer science students deal with mathematical foundations and coding skills. Ultimately, the difficulty of each subject depends on an individual’s strengths, interests, and prior knowledge.

Factors Contributing To The Difficulty Of Law Studies

Law and computer science both present their own challenges. While computer science requires a strong foundation in mathematics and problem-solving skills, law studies demand critical thinking and analytical abilities. The difficulty of each subject largely depends on individual strengths and interests.

Analytical Thinking: The Skill Demanded By Law Studies

  • Law studies require strong analytical thinking skills to analyze complex legal issues and apply legal principles.
  • Students need to analyze different perspectives and arguments to make informed decisions and build persuasive arguments.
  • They must critically evaluate case law, statutes, and legal doctrines to develop a deep understanding of the subject matter.
  • Analytical thinking in law studies involves identifying patterns, drawing connections, and problem-solving to find effective solutions.

Extensive Reading And Memorization Requirements

  • Law students are required to read extensive materials, including case law, statutes, legal commentaries, and academic articles.
  • They need to develop excellent reading comprehension skills to understand complex legal texts.
  • Memorization is a crucial aspect of law studies, as students must remember and recall legal principles, precedents, and case details.
  • Students spend hours reading and memorizing legal materials to ensure they have a solid foundation of legal knowledge.

Complex Legal Terminologies And Concepts

  • Law studies involve learning and using complex legal terminologies and concepts that may be unfamiliar to beginners.
  • Legal language is highly technical and precise, requiring students to grasp the meaning and context of specialized legal terms.
  • Understanding complex legal concepts, such as jurisdiction, mens rea, and negligence, requires thorough study and comprehension.
  • Students must be able to communicate effectively using accurate legal terminology and interpret legal texts accurately.

Factors Contributing To The Difficulty Of Computer Science Studies

In comparing the difficulty of studying law and computer science, it is purely subjective. While some may find computer science more challenging due to its theoretical and mathematical nature, others may find law more difficult because of the need to think like a lawyer and analyze complex cases.

Ultimately, the level of difficulty depends on individual preferences and strengths.

Computer science studies can be challenging for several reasons. Here are some key factors that contribute to the overall difficulty:

  • Theoretical Foundations: Mathematics and Algorithms:
  • Understanding and applying complex mathematical concepts is essential in computer science.
  • Algorithms, which are step-by-step problem-solving procedures, require logical thinking and critical analysis.
  • Mastering mathematical foundations and algorithmic concepts can be time-consuming and demanding.
  • Continuous Understanding and Application of Programming Languages:
  • Computer science involves learning and utilizing various programming languages such as C, Python, Java, and more.
  • Each language has its syntax and rules, and keeping up with the constant evolution of programming languages can be challenging.
  • Effectively using these languages to translate algorithms into executable code requires practice and proficiency.
  • Constant Technological Advancements and Evolving Concepts:
  • Computer science is a field of study that is constantly evolving due to technological advancements and emerging concepts.
  • Staying updated with the latest advancements, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, or blockchain, requires continuous learning.
  • Adapting to new technologies and understanding their implications can be intellectually demanding.

Computer science studies can be difficult due to the need to grasp complex mathematical foundations, learn and use multiple programming languages, and keep pace with constantly evolving technology. Nevertheless, the challenges present valuable learning opportunities and can lead to rewarding careers in the ever-expanding field of computer science.

Examining The Skills And Knowledge Required In Law Studies

Law and Computer Science are both challenging subjects to study, but the difficulty can vary depending on the individual. CS may be seen as more intuitive and enjoyable, while law requires a deeper level of analytical thinking and training. However, both fields offer valuable skills and perspectives for personal and professional growth.

Advanced Research And Analysis Skills:

  • Law studies require advanced research and analysis skills to navigate through complex legal concepts and cases.
  • These skills involve conducting thorough research on legal precedents, statutes, and regulations to build a solid understanding of the subject matter.
  • Law students must be able to analyze legal arguments and apply critical thinking to identify the relevant laws and principles.
  • Research and analysis skills also involve the ability to synthesize large amounts of information and distill it into concise and coherent arguments.
  • This process helps in developing effective legal strategies and making informed decisions in legal settings.

Effective Communication And Advocacy Skills:

  • Effective communication is a crucial skill for law students as they need to interact and communicate with clients, colleagues, judges, and other legal professionals.
  • Law students must have strong oral and written communication skills to convey complex legal concepts clearly and persuasively.
  • Advocacy skills are also essential, as lawyers need to present arguments confidently and advocate for their clients’ rights and interests in courtrooms or other legal settings.
  • Law students must learn how to deliver compelling oral arguments, cross-examine witnesses, negotiate effectively, and draft precise legal documents.
  • These skills not only help in presenting legal arguments but also in building professional relationships and influencing stakeholders in various legal contexts.

Strong Attention To Detail And Organizational Abilities:

  • Law studies require a strong attention to detail and organizational abilities to handle large volumes of legal information and documents.
  • Law students need to carefully analyze and interpret legal texts, contracts, and case documents to extract relevant details.
  • Attention to detail is crucial in understanding legal nuances, identifying potential issues, and developing a comprehensive legal strategy.
  • Strong organizational abilities help law students manage their workload, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines effectively.
  • It also includes skills such as managing case files, organizing legal research, and arranging evidence in a structured and easily accessible manner.

Studying law requires advanced research and analysis skills, effective communication and advocacy skills, as well as strong attention to detail and organizational abilities. These skills are essential for success in the legal field and contribute to a comprehensive understanding of legal concepts and the ability to navigate complex legal scenarios.

Examining The Skills And Knowledge Required In Computer Science Studies

Law and computer science both present their own challenges, but one may find computer science to be more difficult due to its theoretical nature and the need for strong mathematical skills. However, this is a subjective opinion as individuals may have different aptitudes and interests.

Computer Science is a subject that requires a specific set of skills and knowledge to master. In this section, we will explore the key areas that make Computer Science a challenging subject to study:

Proficiency In Programming Languages:

  • Understanding and mastering programming languages like Python, Java, C++, and others is essential in computer science studies.
  • This proficiency enables students to write efficient code, develop algorithms, and create software applications.

Advanced Problem-Solving And Logical Thinking Skills:

  • Computer Science students need to develop advanced problem-solving skills to tackle complex challenges.
  • They must possess logical thinking abilities to break down problems into smaller components and develop effective solutions.

Understanding Of Data Structures And Algorithms:

  • A solid understanding of data structures, such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, and trees, is crucial for computer science studies.
  • Students must also comprehend algorithms and their efficiency to optimize program performance.

Mastering these areas and acquiring the necessary skills in programming languages, problem-solving, logical thinking, and data structures and algorithms is vital for success in computer science studies. It requires dedication, practice, and a genuine interest in the subject matter. So, if you’re considering computer science as a field of study, be prepared to dive into these challenging yet rewarding aspects of the subject.

The Impact Of Job Market And Career Prospects On Difficulty Perception

Law or Computer Science: Which is more difficult to study? While this question is subjective, many argue that Law is more challenging due to its need for analytical thinking and attention to detail. Computer Science, on the other hand, requires problem-solving skills and mathematical aptitude.

Ultimately, the difficulty perception can vary depending on individual strengths and interests.

In determining which subject is more difficult to study, it is important to consider the impact of the job market and career prospects. While both law and computer science are challenging fields, the perceptions of their difficulty can be influenced by the competitive nature of the job market and the demand for professionals in each field.

The Competitive Nature Of The Law Job Market:

  • The law job market is highly competitive, with a limited number of prestigious positions available. This competitive nature can create a perception that studying law is more difficult, as students must work hard to stand out and secure desirable job opportunities.
  • The challenging nature of the law job market can be attributed to factors such as a large number of law school graduates and the limited availability of high-paying, prestigious positions. This competition can increase the perceived difficulty of studying law.

The Demand For Computer Science Professionals:

  • On the other hand, the demand for computer science professionals is consistently high, with a growing need for individuals skilled in computer programming and other technical areas. This high demand can create a perception that studying computer science is more difficult, as the field requires continuous learning and adaptation to keep up with technological advancements.
  • The rapidly evolving nature of the technology industry and the need for constant upskilling can contribute to the perception that computer science is a more difficult subject to study. Job prospects in computer science are often seen as favorable, but the ever-changing landscape can pose challenges and require continuous learning.

Overall, the competitive nature of the law job market and the demand for computer science professionals can influence the perceived difficulty of studying each subject. It is important to note that individual perspectives and aptitudes may also play a significant role in determining which subject is more difficult for an individual student.

Personal Perspectives On Difficulty In Law And Computer Science Studies

Software Engineering vs lawyer
Software Engineering vs lawyer

In my personal experience, I found computer science to be easier and more intuitive compared to law. While studying law, I had to train my brain to “think like a lawyer,” and it required much more time and energy. However, the investment in studying law was worth it, as it provided valuable skills in quickly discerning what is important.

Personal Experiences And Insights Of Law Students:

  • Law studies require training the brain to “think like a lawyer” and spot the key issues.
  • Law is a challenging subject that demands significant time and energy.
  • Despite the difficulty, studying law is a worthwhile investment with academic, professional, and financial benefits.
  • The ability to quickly differentiate between what is important and what is not is highly valuable in the legal field.

Personal Experiences And Insights Of Computer Science Students:

  • Computer science courses involve theory, such as building an operating system, a database system, or a new programming language.
  • Low-level data structures and algorithms form the foundation of computer science education.
  • Software engineering may be considered one of the easier topics within a computer science degree.
  • Expect to encounter a significant amount of math, as it is integral to computer science.
  • In some cases, students may need to learn additional programming languages on their own.

Navigating the complexities of law or computer science is subjective, with each subject presenting its unique challenges. Law students must develop the ability to think critically and apply legal principles, while computer science students may grapple with complex algorithms and programming concepts.

Ultimately, the difficulty of either subject is influenced by individual aptitude and interest.

Do You Think Law Or Computer Science is a More Difficult Subject to Study? Why?


Frequently Asked Questions On Do You Think Law Or Computer Science Is A More Difficult Subject To Study? Why?

Why Computer Science Is The Hardest?

Computer science is considered the hardest subject because it requires complex problem-solving skills, mathematical understanding, and continuous learning to keep up with the rapidly evolving technology.

What Is Harder Than Computer Science?

Computer science is not considered harder than any other subject.

What Is The Most Difficult Thing About Law School?

The most difficult thing about law school is training your brain to think like a lawyer and spot the important issues. It requires a lot of time and energy, but it is a worthwhile investment in terms of professional and financial benefits.


The question of whether law or computer science is a more difficult subject to study is subjective and varies based on personal aptitude and interest. While some may find computer science challenging due to its theoretical aspects and mathematical foundation, others may thrive in this field and find it more intuitive.

On the other hand, studying law requires honing the ability to think critically and analyze complex legal issues, which can be a demanding endeavor. Ultimately, both subjects require dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn and adapt to new developments continuously.

It is important to choose a subject of study based on individual strengths, interests, and career goals. Whether pursuing a career in law or computer science, the key is to embrace the challenges, persevere, and leverage the knowledge and skills gained to make a valuable contribution in the respective field.


  1. Quora – Do you think law or computer science is a more difficult subject to study? Why?
  2. WorkVeteran – Computer Science vs. Law, Which One Is Better?
  3. Wikipedia

Author: MD BILAL

I believe that knowledge provides power, power information, Information leads to education, education gives rise to wisdom,