What Does It Mean When a Lawyer Says, “We are Working to Push Your Case?: The Secrets Behind Lawyer Tactics Revealed

When a lawyer says, “We are working to push your case,” it means that they are actively taking steps to move the case forward and achieve a favourable outcome for their client. This involves conducting necessary research, gathering evidence, preparing legal documents, and presenting arguments in court to advocate for the client’s interests.

In the legal context, pushing a case is essential for progress and resolution. It demonstrates the lawyer’s commitment to advancing their client’s position and ensuring that the case moves forward efficiently. By actively pushing the case, the lawyer aims to achieve the best possible outcome for their client within the legal framework.

Clients need to have confidence in their lawyer’s ability to diligently work on their case and push it towards a resolution.

Understanding Lawyer Language: “we Are Working To Push Your Case”

When a lawyer says, “We are working to push your case,” it means they are actively advocating for your legal matter and making efforts to move it forward efficiently. They are dedicated to taking the necessary steps and using their expertise to ensure progress and achieve a favourable outcome for you.

What Does It Mean When A Lawyer Says, “we Are Working To Push Your Case”?

“Pushing” a case in the legal context means that the lawyer is actively advocating and advancing the progress of the case. It implies that the lawyer is taking proactive steps to move the case forward in order to achieve a favourable outcome for the client. This can include actions such as gathering evidence, conducting research, preparing legal documents, communicating with various parties involved, and representing the client in court proceedings.

The Hidden Agenda Behind “pushing” A Case

While lawyers may use the phrase “pushing” to imply their commitment and dedication to a client’s case, there may also be underlying motivations. “Pushing” a case can benefit the attorney by potentially increasing their billable hours and fees, as well as by putting pressure on the opposing side to settle the case. It is important for clients to maintain open communication with their lawyer to ensure they are aware of the specific actions being taken and the potential implications for the case.

Uncovering Lawyer Tactics: How “pushing” A Case Benefits The Attorney

When lawyers “push” a case, they are strategically navigating through the legal process to achieve the best possible outcome for themselves and their clients. By actively pushing the case forward, lawyers can gain leverage in negotiations, establish a strong position in court, and potentially expedite the resolution of the case. However, it is crucial for clients to be informed and involved in the process to ensure their interests are protected.

What Does It Mean When a Lawyer Says, “We are Working to Push Your Case?: The Secrets Behind Lawyer Tactics Revealed

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The Motivations Behind Dragging Out A Case

The motivations behind dragging out a case can be multi-fold. One reason is the financial incentives for lawyers. By prolonging a case, lawyers can increase their billable hours, ultimately earning more money. They get paid by the hour, so the longer the case takes, the more they are compensated. Additionally, dragging out a case can impact the plaintiff. It can create frustration and desperation, leading the plaintiff to settle for a lower amount out of sheer exhaustion. Lawyers may also choose to drag out a case to gather more evidence or build a stronger defense. Overall, while prolonging a case may seem frustrating for the parties involved, it can serve different strategic purposes for lawyers.

The Fine Line Between Advocacy And Betrayal

When a lawyer says, “We are working to push your case,” it means that they are taking active steps to move the case forward and achieve the desired outcome for their client. This can include conducting thorough research, gathering evidence, preparing legal arguments, and advocating for their client’s interests in negotiations or court proceedings.

The lawyer’s goal is to diligently and efficiently work on behalf of their client to achieve a favourable resolution or outcome. However, it’s important to note that there is a fine line between advocacy and betrayal in the legal profession.

Attorneys have ethical obligations to their clients, which include maintaining confidentiality, acting in their client’s best interests, and avoiding conflicts of interest. While instances of attorneys betraying their clients do occur, they are rare and can have severe consequences for the attorney’s professional reputation and legal career.

Frequently Asked Questions Of What Does It Mean When A Lawyer Says, “We Are Working To Push Your Case?

Why Would A Lawyer Drag Out A Case?

A lawyer may drag out a case to earn more money and push for a better settlement. They get paid by the hour, and prolonging the case can frustrate the plaintiff into settling out of desperation.

Do Lawyers Take Cases They Know They Can’t Win?

Lawyers do not take cases they cannot win. They only take cases they believe they can win.

Can A Lawyer Turn Against Their Client?

Lawyers cannot turn against their clients as it goes against their duty of trust.

What Are The 3 Most Common Post Trial Motions?

The three most common post-trial motions are motions for a new trial, motions to vacate, and motions to set aside.


When a lawyer says they are “working to push your case,” it means they are actively advocating for your legal rights and doing everything they can to move your case forward. Whether it’s gathering evidence, negotiating with the opposing party, or preparing for trial, their goal is to achieve a favourable outcome for you.

By understanding what this phrase means, you can have confidence in your lawyer’s commitment to your case and the progress being made. Trust that they are dedicated to fighting for your best interests.